Wednesday, March 04, 2015

2903 - Drums

I know I've seen this drum line before but I couldn't find any posts on my blog for them. Maybe you've seen them before. They are fun to watch. The six minutes goes by quickly.


Bilbo said...

This is the Top Secret Drum Corps from Switzerland. They are utterly awesome, and there are a lot of video clips of their performances on YouTube.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

They are truly outstanding. I like their hats and their exact precision! I wonder how long they practiced to get that level of proficiency.

Linda Kay said...

I think the Swiss are all about perfection and precision, so this is fabulous. So much fun to watch them all perform in such a way. Love the drums.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

They're almost as good as Alabama A & M.

Cherdo said...

Even at the high school level, the drum lines are fun to watch. My middle son played in the drum line.