Wednesday, February 10, 2016

3256 - Hot hot hot

I'm definitely not talking about the weather. What I am talking about is scoville units. You know, that wonderful burst of pain that you get when you stick capsaicin in your mouth. John knows what I'm talking about. He likes to destroy the nerve ends in his tongue.

And that's what an article I read recently says what happens. The capsaicin literally destroys your nerve endings. So you have to eat even more capsaicin to get the hot effect.

The one good thing is that if you stop eating capsaicin your nerve endings will grow back.

So here's the wikipedia link to the scoville scale. Watch out for the Carolina Reaper. It will kill a lot of nerve endings.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Tabasco sauce is as far as I'll go.

Thanks for the news.

John A Hill said...

Yeah, I have to admit to liking it pretty hot and have a fair number of different hot sauce selections available. They range from the milder (Tabasco range) sauces to extremely (clean the grease stains off your garage floor) hot.

Linda Kay said...

I don't like hot stuff, so lots of challenges in Texas cuisine. My SIL likes the hottest hot sauce, so we are always looking for one professing to be the hottest available.

Grand Crapaud said...

There is such a thing as too hot! Jalapenos are hot enough for me.