Friday, May 27, 2016

3335 - Optical illusion

"This image was created by Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a Professor of Psychology at Ritsumeikan University in Japan. He uses a principle behind what’s known as the White's illusion or Munker's illusion, whereby stripes are used to distort our sense of color and opacity.

Essentially, it plays with how our perception processes visual information and its tendency to be influenced by its surroundings and context.

How many colors can you see in this spiraling optical illusion?"

click it to big it

"The correct answer is actually three: pink, orange, and green. While it may appear there is also a sky blue in the mix, it is the same color as the green spiral."

To see the green instead of blue, hold your hand over a 'blue' stripe. Open you fingers just enough to see only the 'blue' stripe. Or should I say green stripe.


Bilbo said...

This is more colorful and interesting than the illusion of a coherent GOP plan for governing.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I think I see violet also. This illusion is really neat!

John A Hill said...


Grand Crapaud said...

If you stare at enough, the colors tend to blend.

allenwoodhaven said...

Interesting and fun!