Sunday, October 22, 2017

3848 - Long joke Sunday

This boy with a speech impediment goes treat-or-treating by himself, and decides to dress as a pirate.

He knocks on the first door he sees and a grandmother answers the door.

The boy say's, "Brick-or-breat!", and shakes his empty bag at her.

"What? Oh, trick-or-treat!" she replies.

"Yeah, bats what I said lady."

The boy is obviously annoyed. Trying to save face, the lady ask, "Well what are you dressed up as?".

"I'm a birate!"

The boy puffs his chest out, as the grandmother replies,

"A what?"

The boy is angry now, and begins to shake the bag again, exclaiming,

"A birate! I'm a birate lady!"

She says, "Oh, a pirate! Well if you're a pirate, where are your buccaneers?"

He drops the bag and grabs his ears, screaming, "Right here lady! Where are your bucking eyes?!"