Bilbo mentioned yesterday that over 40,000 new laws went into effect on the first of the year. And that was just in the US. Ireland came up with one that was a doosy. From this CNN ARTICLE comes this ....
A person breaks the law by saying or publishing anything "grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion."
WHAT!? Can you imagine the bizarre lawsuits that will come out of this? And it may be of all groups the Atheists of Ireland that will have to come to the rescue. Here's a post from their blog with 25 quotes that will get the authors, like Mark Twain, sent to jail. If you have time, read the comments section. Try to ignore the anti religious comments and focus on the ones that just point out how people are agreeing how crazy this law is.
And then of all things I missed the fact that yesterdays date 01/02/2010 reads the same backwards.
22 minutes ago
So if I say something that offends your faith and you take me to court, but your taking me to court because of my beliefs offends me and I take you court; it would appear that the only winner is the entity that collects the fines and the lawyers that defend cases.
If we adopted this in the US we could pay down that debt, fund health care AND abolish taxes (except income taxes for lawyers)!
This is clearly an attempt to forestall the sort of violence that seems to crop up whenever anything Islamic is criticized, however obliquely. The Irish government obviously doesn't want to have to go through what the Danish government did with the "Muslim rage" over the Mohammed cartoons.
There should have been a law making yesterday dyslexic day.
J - Maybe people would keep their mouths shut and your plan wouldn't work ...... Naaaaaa.
B - "Muslim rage" or Flying Spagetti Monster rage.
B - ?tahW
I'm surprised Ireland waited this long to do something like this. Long before there was 9/11, there was Bloody Sunday and many, many atrocities committed in Northern Ireland, pitting two major groups of (so-called) Christians against one another. How soon we forget, and how easily our attention shifts, when we see ourselves as the victims and some other group outside our "normal" religious factions as the violators.
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