Wednesday, January 22, 2025

6372 - We're all female now

tRUMP's a moron...

From IFLscience...

Moments after the presidential inauguration, US President Donald Trump signed several anti-scientific executive orders (EOs), such as taking the United States out of the Paris Agreement to curtail human-made climate change and withdrawing the US from the World Health Organization. He also signed an EO targeting trans and non-binary people which had the unintended consequence of making every single American female. If you will legislate with scientific words, you should know the science. 

The text of the EO declares: “'Female' means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.” Linking sex and conception seems to bring anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ lingo together, but also demonstrates the lack of knowledge that at fertilization, and for many weeks after, every embryo is female. It's a point that people have been quick to raise online.

In the first few weeks after conception, all embryos look the same. We can call that state "unisex", but the basic blueprint is what we ascribe to female bodies – that’s why, for example, everyone has nipples and not just those people who might end up lactating (although everyone has the potential to do that).

The sex-specific changes kick in around the sixth week of embryological development when a gene called SRY starts to take effect. From that point onwards, most people with an XY genotype will follow a male developmental process. The Y chromosome sends out signals, but those signals need to be fully understood for the embryo to become a typical male. It is not difficult for the signals to be misunderstood. In the case of Swyer syndrome, where cisgender women have XY chromosomes instead of the more common XX, it can take just a single oxygen atom.

There are many examples of peculiarities when it comes to sexual development, with many different ways in which the sex chromosomes, hormones, and external factors interact with each other. There is the case of a Croatian woman who gave birth despite her cells being predominantly XY, including her ovaries. It is likely that there are many other women out there with similar unusual combinations of chromosomes but completely unaware, because they never had the need to check their DNA.

Sex is determined at birth by looking at the external genitals of children – which is also not applicable correctly to all children. While most women have XX chromosomes and most men have XY, there is no such thing as a strict sex binary in humans. Believing in a binary is ignoring factual reality. It would be like saying we shouldn't believe in carbon or oxygen in the universe because 99.8 percent of all elements are either hydrogen or helium.

The EO talks about the “ordinary and longstanding use and understanding of biological and scientific terms,” so it is important that those terms are actually understood and not misused for a political agenda to target a minority.  

So are all Americans women now? Is Trump the first female president? Probably not. Despite the technicalities, if there were a court case, a judge would probably focus on intent rather than wording. But in science, if not in law, words still have meaning. Alternatively, we could just embrace it: after all, we know that when Shania Twain says "Let's go girls," she means all of us!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

6371 - COLD!!!

It's 1 PM and the temp is 5F (-15C) with a wind chill of -10F (-23C) The low last night was 1F (-17C). WTF! DEB! Your weather has sprung a leak. Get it fixed!

Tomorrow it's supposed to be 35F getting to 48F by Saturday.

Monday, January 20, 2025

6370 - Trees

Should I do a NSFW Thursday trees?

Sunday, January 19, 2025

6369 - Long joke Sunday

A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching his wife as she gazed at herself in the mirror.

With her birthday approaching, he asked what she’d like as a gift.

“I’d like to be eight again,” she replied, still staring at the mirror.

On the morning of her birthday, he woke up early, prepared a big bowl of Coco Pops, and then took her to Adventure World theme park.

What a day! He put her on every ride in the park: the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Roller Coaster, everything available.

Five hours later, they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was spinning, and her stomach was upside down.

Next, he took her to McDonald’s, where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake.

Then it was off to the movie theater for the latest superhero saga, complete with popcorn, soda, and her favorite candy, M&Ms.

What a fabulous adventure!

Finally, she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed, utterly exhausted.

He leaned over her with a big smile and lovingly asked, “Well, dear, what was it like being eight again?”

Her eyes slowly opened, and her expression suddenly changed.

"I meant my dress size, you idiot!!!”

The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he's going to get it wrong.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

6368 - Saturday jokes

Whoever put the S in fastfood is a marketing genius.

You know your life is boring when you only wear work clothes and bedclothes.

People with siblings have better survival skills because they've experienced physical combat, psychological warfare, and detecting suspicious activity.

The 3 stages of life: Wanting stuff. Accumulating stuff. Getting rid of stuff.

I have a condition that prevents me from going on a diet. I get hungry.

Sometimes I just wish I had the wisdom of a 90-year-old, the body of a 20-year-old, and the energy of a 3-year-old.

How long do I have to sleep before I’m legally a bear?

Remember when we used to laugh at the commercial, "I've fallen, and I can't get up!?"
It's not so funny anymore.

Mary Magdalene: Sends nude picture to Jesus.
Jesus: Sends back a picture of bread.
Mary Magdalene: WTF!
Jesus: This is my body.

The Helsinki-Toronto flight was loaded with 400 passengers and only 200 lunches. The airline made a mistake and the crew was in a difficult situation. However, an intelligent flight attendant has come up with an idea. About 30 minutes after take-off, she announced:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know how this happened, but we have 400 passengers on board and only 200 lunches!" “Anyone who is kind enough to give up food for someone else will receive a free unlimited amount of wine throughout the flight.”
Her next announcement was made 6 hours later: "Ladies and Gentlemen, if anyone wants to change their mind, we still have 200 lunches available!"

I asked the doctor if I could sew up my own wound.
He said, "Suture self".

I thought that my wife would feel flattered that I’ve only had sex with 2 other women besides her.
But listing all 3 and naming her in the middle was probably not a great idea.

What do you say to break the silence at a prostate exam?
Be honest with me Doc, is that your wedding ring or your Rolex?

I bought an old Skoda car to fix up.
But whatever I do for repairs, I can't get rid of the 'Czech Engine' light.

Why did the mathematician couple wait until their beach vacation to fill out their mortgage application?
So they could sine, cosine, and tan.

The overeaters hotline (888) 888-8888

In college, the subject, of Greek Mythology was my weakness. 
I found it so confusing.
I guess it was my Achilles Elbow.

A young woman is walking into a cathedral when a priest stops her and says, ”I’m sorry, Miss, you can’t come in without a bra.”
The young woman protests, ”But I have a divine right!” The priest replies, ”A divine left, too, but you can’t come in.”

I’m starting up a new company specializing in vajazzles.
It’s called “All That Clitoris Gold”.

I ate pizza the other day and started shaking uncontrollably.
That's the last time I order from Little Seizures.

I decided not to go to the Swan Lake recital.
I feel like I dodged a ballet.

I asked my doctor for some pecker pills, and he handed me a can of fix-o-flat.

My 16yo son just walked by his younger sister's room and muttered, "Why is her light on if she's not in her room?" And then shaking his head turned off the light.
Stunned, I looked at my husband and said, "I guess he's a man now. Our work here is done."

I am confident my dog would defend me with its life...
unless you decide to use a vacuum cleaner as a weapon.