Tuesday, April 15, 2014

2580 - Patoo two

Like I said, this meme is getting a lot of traffic...

I never tried this on purpose but I do notice people scooting behind me.

This one takes me back to swimming at boy scout camp where you had to hydrate enough to pee clear.

This is a little too OCD for me.

And don't forget to breathe some carbon dioxide on them too.

I had to look ding dong ditch up. 

This is silly. Now, mooing at them is OK.

I would have never thought of this. Ever.

And that is obviously a girl. If it were a guy the one dollar bills would be used very differently.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Patoo has some great ideas.

Was there a song, "I can pee clearly, the rain is gone?"

Mike said...

Angel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSuB4t3q_dA

Big Sky Heidi said...

More Patoo. A liked the I Can See Clearly song.

Grand Crapaud said...

Asparagus causes people to pee green.

The Bastard King of England said...

I enjoy this and want to see more of Patoo.

Mike said...

I've run out of Patoo's for now but it shouldn't take long to get more.