Sunday, August 31, 2014

2718 - Girls

So lets pick on the girls today. After all what are Sundays for?

So in Blue Jay country, licence plates can be fun but also open to dual interpretation. BJ anyone?

And then there is the advertisement of the price of a BJ. 'A BJ for $5.99'.

I found this with the tag 'Can you spot the irony?' I have been looking at this picture for months and have not been able to spot any irony. But I will keep looking. Please don't try and help me.

An advert car with a poorly place picture of a girl. Imagine the gas cap open and the placement of the hose.

OK nothing left to the imagination on this picture. A girl pumping the gas makes it even more interesting.

1 comment:

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I can't see any irony either.

Jay Mom would have been less controversial.