Monday, September 22, 2014

2740 - Another reason for national health care

This stuff pisses me off more than politicians do. Your supposed to be able to trust your doctor. Not any more.

The story mentions an instance where two plastic surgeons snuck in on the end of an operation being done by another doctor to 'close the incision'. The out of network charge? $250,000.

Read the story HERE if you can take this BS on a Monday.


Bilbo said...


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Yes, disgusting.

Linda Kay said...

I think the news media has the whole country paralyzed with fear of the medical profession. My son-in-law is an oral surgeon, and he has the utmost in patient care in mind.

Mike said...

Linda - There are a lot of good doctors out there. But when you have doctors pulling stunts like this the media should be exposing every one of them.

I'm still for real national health care. Not the Republican plan that the Republicans now call Obama care.

Big Sky Heidi said...

That was a $117,000 surprise!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Mike I am just not surprised anymore about things like this. But boy oh boy do they make me angry.

All civilized countries have national health care. 3rd world countries do not, and neither does the USA. As my boss from Ireland used to say to me, "I don't understand a country that won't take care of its people" I couldn't agree more.