Sunday, August 30, 2015

3082 - SB19 - In God we trust

In God we trust. But the real question that comes up is which one. There are over 4200 religions, 5 big ones and 11 medium sized ones.

Someone decided to write down all the Gods they could find HERE. 2656 of them. (I counted them, with the computer.)

So for fun, go to the list and google some random gods. All of the ones I googled showed up. You may have to refine your search as I did for 'Blue-Jay' by putting in "Blue-Jay god".


Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer said...

Did Mammon make the list?

The 'In God We Trust" is for people who put pennies in fuse boxes.

Bilbo said...

What more can be said?

Blogoratti said...

Quite fascinating stuff really.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I never gave that slogan much thought before. But why was it first used?

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

We ought to quietly lose thst expression.