Tuesday, September 01, 2015

3084 - SB21 - Fact

Facts don't mean doodly squat to people that have made up their minds. Here's an article that explains what happens in our brain.

Fact - It's September..... depending on what time it is right now where you are.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

For some when they made up their mind, they don't want to be confused by facts. An interesting article, Mike! Have a nice day!

Blogoratti said...

An interesting read indeed, thanks for sharing!

Linda Kay said...

Interesting, Mike.....maybe it converts to a simple word "stubborn"?

Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer said...

Facts are stubborn things. Don't need more stubbornness.

Anonymous said...

I see this all the time. People can have a really hard time facing the truth. When facts contradict, the mind can go in all sorts of directions to avoid it.
