Sunday, November 29, 2015

3173 - Traits of smart people

Well here's a list of 13 traits of smart people. There are links to all kinds of studies in the ARTICLE. 7 of the 13 apply to me. I guess that makes me half smart.

You took music lessons.
You're the oldest.
You're thin.
You have a cat.
You were breastfed.
You've used recreational drugs.
You're left-handed.
You're tall.
You drink alcohol regularly.
You're politically liberal.
You learned to read early.
You worry a lot.
You're funny.

The article has several paragraphs explaining each one of these. Plus the links to the studies.

And then there is a graphic that shows eight signs that you're smart. Seven of them are on the previous list but there is one different one.


John A Hill said...

Interesting article.
I have eight.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I have seven.

Bilbo said...

Seven, here.