Sunday, February 14, 2016

3227 - Post number

One of the problems with numbering posts is that you can goof up. You can renumber some posts with the same 10's group (as I have done before). Or you can skip 10 post numbers (as I have done recently).

It seems that post 3226 was followed with post number 3237. And I just now noticed that my post number and post count didn't match up. So I'm going to use the numbers I left out and try and remember to go back to the correct numbers at 3260. (I had to go back and double check that number.)

I'm sure everything will straighten itself out with no future problems.... HA!

Oh, and happy Valentine's Day!


Bilbo said...

Don't worry, Mike ... we know we can ... uh ... count on you.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Oh well, what's a few numbers? Happy Valentine's day!

allenwoodhaven said...

That's okay. Aren't numbers more flexible in higher level mathematics?

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Don't worry about the numbers; this isn't accounting.
More like sociology.