Why do underwear and socks come in resealable bags but potato chips don't?
Porn gives young people an unrealistic and unhealthy idea of how quickly a plumber will come to your house.
Lies adults tell kids...
"We don't lick people!" ... HA!
If we're in a relationship, one of us has to have good credit.
That's why you're called a significant other. (Sign-if-i-can't)
Avoiding drama doesn't mean I'm scared of you.
I have anger issues and I'm trying to avoid jail.
I’m still waiting for someone to explain how a 78-year-old can grow a brand-new ear but somehow couldn’t recover from bone spurs in his youth.
My son is taking part in a social experiment. He has to wear a "GO Vegan" t-shirt for 2 weeks and see how people react.
So far, he's been spit on, punched, and had a bottle thrown at him.
I'm curious to see what happens when he goes outside.
Why are people allowed to be stupid but I'm not allowed to point it out?
Chickenshit Elon Musk has already backed out of his interview with Jon Stewart.
Der Furor’s doing quite a job - the stock market is falling faster than a Russian from a tenth-floor window.
I’ve walked the walk and talked the talk. At my age I'm just gonna sit the sit.
For the first time in history you can simply post, "He's an idiot", and 90% of the world will know who you're talking about.
I still can't believe over 70-million people booked a second trip on the Titanic.
As the saying goes, we want to be open-minded, but not so open that our brains fall out.
Trees make the worst wind breaks because they actually create more wind by waving their branches.
Guy trying to insult coworker, "If I was twice as dumb as you, I'd be half as smart as I am now."
“Hooray! English is the official language of the USA!”
54 percent of you read at or below a 6th grade level. 21 percent of you are functionally illiterate.
No it isn’t.
Whoever came up with the word "dentures", really missed the opportunity to call them "substitooths".
(Here's a comment from a post)
I frequently wonder if the MAGA crowd realizes that the majority of their posts are completely unintelligible. With all the indiscriminate use of capitalization, the woefully misused biblical verbiage, and the horrific spelling, I’ve actually gotten headaches while trying to pry a coherent point from the cold dead clutches of the English language’s rotting corpse strewn across their profiles.
They Walk Among Us!
I was at the checkout at Walmart, minding my own business, when the cashier rang up my total: $46.64. I handed her a crisp $50 bill. She looked me dead in the eye, gave me back $46.64, and continued scanning items like a professional.
Me: "Uh… I think there’s a mistake."
Her: huffing dramatically "Sir, I am educated. I know what I’m doing."
She pushed the money back at me like I was trying to scam her.
So, I did what any reasonable person would do—I gave it back.
She, once again, pushed it right back at me with extra attitude.
I shrugged, picked up my bags, and walked out with $46.64 in my pocket.
They Walk Among Us…
I walked into Starbucks with a "Buy-One-Get-One-Free" coupon for a Grande Latte. The barista studied it like it was the Declaration of Independence, then turned to a chalkboard that read "Buy One, Get One Free."
Her eyes lit up. "Oh! So that means… they’re both free!"
She happily handed me two free lattes.
I didn't argue. I just walked out, sipping my victory.
They Walk Among Us…
One day, I was strolling along the beach with some friends when one of them gasped dramatically, pointed ahead, and yelled:
"Look! A dead bird!"
Another friend immediately looked up at the sky and asked, "Where?"
I just… I had no words. 🫠
They Walk Among Us…
My brother was house hunting and asked the real estate agent which direction was north. He explained that he didn’t want the sun waking him up every morning.
The agent furrowed her brow. "Wait… does the sun rise in the north?"
My brother, thinking she was joking, laughed.
She was not joking.
He gently explained that the sun rises in the east… and, you know, has been doing that for quite a while now.
She shook her head and said, "Oh, I don’t keep up with all that stuff."
I... I had to walk away.
They Walk Among Us…
Back when I worked in a 24/7 call center, a guy called and asked:
"What hours are you open?"
Me: "Sir, we’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
Him: "Okay, but is that Eastern or Pacific time?"
I stared at my screen for a solid 10 seconds before replying:
"Uh… Pacific."
He thanked me and hung up, probably feeling proud of himself.
They Walk Among Us…
My sister has one of those emergency seatbelt cutters in her car—designed to save her life if she ever gets trapped.
She keeps it in the trunk.
They Walk Among Us…
My friends and I went to buy beer for a party. The store had a 10% discount on cases. Since we were professionals, we grabbed two cases.
The cashier did some quick mental math.
"Oh, two cases? That’s 10% + 10%… so you get 20% off!"
We all nodded and quietly accepted our new financial advisor.
They Walk Among Us…
At the airport, I couldn’t find my luggage, so I went to the lost baggage counter.
Me: "My bags never showed up."
The lady smiled reassuringly. "Don’t worry, sir! I’m a trained professional. Now… has your plane landed yet?"
I blinked.
Me: "Nope, we’re still circling the airport. The pilot told us we’re third in line to land."
Her: "Oh! Okay, well, come back after you land."
…Sure thing, genius.
They Walk Among Us…
While working at a pizza place, I watched a man order a small pizza to-go.
Cook: "Would you like that cut into four or six slices?"
The man thought long and hard before replying:
"Better make it four. I don’t think I’m hungry enough to eat six."
You're not a parent until you've secretly wished your child's sports team does bad in a tournament so you can go home early.
I'm trying to stop being mean but it's like y'all have to stop being stupid first.
Way to go, MAGA voters. Now you actually have the horrible economy that you pretended to have under Biden and Obama.
You can really tell when someone has been allowed to run their mouth their whole life without consequences.
Fun Fact: a blue whale's anus can stretch to approximately 3.5 feet in diameter.
That makes it the second biggest asshole in the world.
Driving test...
Instructor: Turn the car on.
Student: Ummm, OK. (starts rubbing the interior) You like that you filthy who...
Instructor: OK we're done here.
Cinderella took off one shoe and found the love of her life.
While some of you removed all your clothes, and he still left.
There is zero history of hurricanes in the Gulf of America.
When are the insurance premiums going to drop?