Sunday, September 20, 2009

920 - We're number 1 !!!

Who's number one? The state of Missouri! In what? Making bullets. I read an article that says the Lake City Missouri ammunition plant pumps out more bullets than any other plant in the world! And the demand is so high right now they go directly from the plant to users. No time to warehouse these babies. We need them now!

Here's a TIME picture article about the plant.



Bilbo said...

No wonder all those people from Missouri are always shooting off their mouths, acting like high-caliber big shots. It's all just a bore to me. Except that part about demand being so high they don't need to be warehoused en route to consumers. When you live in DC, and in a time when idiots think they need to make a point by bringing openly-carried assault rifles to public meetings, you need to worry about stuff like this.

vw: zoriate - the condition of being zori.

John A Hill said...

We're #1! We're #1! Somebody has to fill the demand.

wv: outedo..the way a southern Missourian leaves da house...he's outedo.

Bandit said...

I left the 1st comment on your blog this morning. I came back just now and it was gone.

My comment was that I had never heard of Lake City and did a map search on it. I is a suburb of Kansas City just north of I 70 and Blue Springs.

John, we are also #1 for meth labs.

Mike said...

B - I got a big bang out of your comment.

J - We have to be proud about something.

B - I think my blog is becoming self-aware. I think it knows where you live too.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Oye vey.

Claudia said...

High caliber post!