Monday, September 21, 2009

921 - The Death of Conservatism

The Death of Conservatism - The title of a book by Sam Tanenhaus. He says moderate conservatism is being totally replaced by the radical right. He still thinks there's hope to pull most of the conservatives back towards the middle. Wouldn't that be nice.


Here's a link to a Bill Moyers interview with Sam on PBS. (25 min +-)

Here's a link to a Newsweek interview.


Bilbo said...

I'm #3 on the waiting list for this book when it gets in at the local library. I'm interested to see how he thinks real conservatives - with principles rather than dogmas - can ever come back and appeal to a lapsed conservative like yours truly.

vw: cuare - South American jungle doctor's prescription for what ails you.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I think that there's no middle ground on either side, its either way left or way right...the middle is a vast wasteland.

John A Hill said...

Great interview, that book will have to go on my list of books to read.

I'm going to hijack this link for the few readers I have that don't stop by here.

Thanks for doing my research!

Mike said...

B - I thought you might have heard about this book already.

M - You and me. We'll go stand in the middle of a field by ourselves.

J - Research charge - one.... two Ted Drewes.