Sunday, January 10, 2010

1030 - Ironic

What's ironic? This site. No not THIS one. THIS ONE. Here's a picture from it that goes along with yesterdays post.

I know I know. It's really ironic that I found this picture yesterday.



Bandit said...

Those are funny.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I love LOL sites!

Mike said...

B - I thought they were funny too. Ironic isn't it?

M - This one hasn't made it to their 'more lolz' selection bar yet. I wonder how many more are out there we don't know about.

Wv: munled - A follower of mun.

bandit said...

You are too clever today.

Fletcher's this afternoon for the Arizona, Green Bay game. They have a free pizza buffet at halftime.

Candice said...

love those!

The KFC one cracks me up. That guy had some nads on him

Mike said...

B - Free pizza may get me there today.

C - And the KFC bucket was half empty already. Maybe he was sharing.