Thursday, June 11, 2015

3002 - Mississississ.... wait...

I found this meme about spelling Mississippi. Turns out there are a lot of these memes.

So I looked for more Mississippi stuff. Found this. It's about me. Except for the drawing thing.

Then I found this. I could teach this class.

Then I saw this. I thought it was about the Duggars but there aren't enough kids. It's 7 short of a full Duggar. 3 short if you count the dogs.


Cherdo said...

Favor joke as a kid: "I know how to spell Mississippi, I just don't know when to stop!" Hey, I just mentioned you on my blog...

eViL pOp TaRt said...

At least the river and the state are spelled the same!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

oh, my! I love that the newspaper can't even spell its own state.

Linda Kay said...

There was an old joke about spelling Mississippi where the speller leaves out one "p". When the teacher asks were the other pee is, he says it's running down his leg.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Massachusetts is the hardest state to spell.