Wednesday, May 23, 2007

144 - We have to xxxx because of xxxx

Another business has announced - "Were cutting back to concentrate on our core business". Next year it will be - "We have to expand to keep up with competition". Then back to the core. Then expand away. Pretty soon they'll be concentrating on their core expansion. GM will have to core expand from make cars to making TV's. Sony will core expand from TV's to health foods. And on and on. Business bullshit. Here's a new business term for them. Core Concentration Expansion Factor. I can hear the buzz in all the board rooms. Whats our CCEF?!!! Is it up, down or sideways?! We've got to improve our CCEF or we'll go out of business! Start spinning our CCEF in a different direction so it looks like were doing something!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Multimillionaires at my company keep telling me that I'm overpaid.