Hey, I didn't write the title. But anyway, here's an abstract from another article on how people react when they think they're getting cheated or not. If you decide to order the article let me know. I want to come watch your head explode while you try to read it.
A distinctive feature of humans compared to other species is the high rate of cooperation with nonkin. One explanation is that humans are motivated by concerns for praise and blame. In this paper we experimentally investigate the impact of anticipated verbal feedback on altruistic behavior. We study pairwise interactions in which one subject, the “divider,” decides how to split a sum of money between herself and a recipient. Thereafter, the recipient can send an unrestricted anonymous message to the divider. The subjects' relationship is anonymous and one-shot to rule out any repeated interaction effects. Compared to a control treatment without feedback messages, donations increase substantially when recipients can communicate. With verbal feedback, the fraction of zero donations decreases from about 40% to about 20%, and there is a corresponding increase in the fraction of equal splits from about 30% to about 50%. Recipients who receive no money almost always express disapproval of the divider, sometimes strongly and in foul language. Following an equal split, almost all recipients praise the divider. The results suggest that anticipated verbal rewards and punishments play a role in promoting altruistic behavior among humans.
Link - A little more info
The movies of 2024
3 minutes ago
"Recipients who receive no money almost always express disapproval of the divider, sometimes strongly and in foul language. Following an equal split, almost all recipients praise the divider. The results suggest that anticipated verbal rewards and punishments play a role in promoting altruistic behavior among humans." Wow! Who'd a thunk it? I hope nobody paid any actual money for this blinding flash of the obvious...
I'm a government grant was used to fund this study. I wonder how the grant money was spent. I'm sure that there was little to no accountability.
oops! That's "I'm sure a government..."
John, welcome to the world of topys.
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