I'll ask again. Is it over yet?!!!
And what better topic to talk about today that something that smells fishy. What would that something be? Could be me, or you. Especially if you had a certain disease. Yes there is a disease that makes you smell fishy and it's got nothing to do with politics. It affects person's sweat, urine, and breath, giving off a strong fishy odor. So if something smells fishy, it might not be that politician standing near you. It might be somebody with an actual physical condition.
Link - Trimethylaminuria
And before somebody asks, "Where do you find this stuff?" All I can say is surfin'. I found this a couple of days ago while I was checking out ?????????
2 hours ago
Speaking of fishy, I have done my civic duty and voted. Since we use touch-screen voting machines here in Virginia, I had a hand free to hold my nose as I voted.
Sooo do you want us to start calling you "Flipper" is that what this is all about?
B - me too
F - How about Trimethylaminurite?
I'm looking at what would be the logical abreviation for this word.
Tri Methyl Ami Nurite
TMAN!!! Stronger than smelly fish!
I just voted (at about 2:40) and 3 of the election officials volunteered that I smelled good, and that caused the guy ahead of me to turn around, and it happened to be one of your constituents so he gave me a big hi, a grin and a handshake. It's amazing what Shalimar cologne can do for the political process.
Ok fish face T-MAN it is!
This type of post makes it really difficult for preacher to comment without getting into trouble.
Everybody's just giddy. Forget I said anything here!!!!!
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