So I look at this and again go "what?" But knowing Mike Peters I know there's a pun in there somewhere. I continue to stare .... one .... two .... three .... DOH!!!! I showed it to Claudia and she got it right away. But then she's a word person and I'm a picture person. My apologies for thinking bad of the Saxon's.
Had to get this out here quick because Bilbo's coming back.
1 hour ago
John, I had to repost this about 4 times to get something to look right. How many times did you get this through your subscription service?
The joke's lost on me :(
just once.
The cartoon reminds me of Joey from Friends (tv show). He once said that it's not true that men always have to watch movies with sex and's sex OR violence.
There may be 2 or 3 puns here. the only frightened ones are the pigs.
Thanks for bringing in all the business for me yesterday!! Come by more!!
By the way, lone voice in the wilderness takes too long to write so I'm going back to bandit until you make up something shorter
I think the pigs are just playing hard to get!
Reminds me of the old Roseanne Rosannadanna editorial on the Saturday Night Live news quite a few years ago...she wanted to know why everyone was making so much of a fuss about violins on TV. She thought there wasn't enough music on TV as it is...
its lost on me too :(
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