Friday, February 06, 2009

694 - Forwards and backwards

Bilbo the linguist should appreciate the heck out of this video. My daughter sent this to me. It's short but makes a great point. It's a two part video only 1:44 long. Make sure you watch the WHOLE THING. It's clever to the max.



Bilbo said...

Now THAT was WAY cool!

vw - befuns. How I plan to spend my weekend.

John A Hill said...

That was very cool.

wv: dessi...was married to lucy

Anonymous said...

good stuff!!!!!1

Amanda said...

Very clever indeed! I'm sending this out to my friends.

fiona said...

That was great!
I also want to know what the vw or wv
thing is? I wanna play!!!

lacochran said...

Fiona: When you find out, let me know. I asked but I was ignored.

Mike: Clever find, yes!

Mike said...

B - agree

J - agree

B - agree

A - agree

F - agree

L - agree

F & L
(sigh) Ok here's what's going on. I hope I don't get in trouble for telling you. This is secret shit. W V, WV, wv is for Word Verification. Look right below this. See the letters? Well recently Blogger has been putting wv letters that are almost words but not quite. The one I'm looking at now is DICSH. Sometimes they're obvious, sometimes not. So try to make up a meaning for the almost word and even try and use it in a sentence.

Like 'the dicsh ran away with the spoon'. Or 'the lisping gay guy said I like your' ....... nevermind.

fiona said...

wv-goborpso. Said the Russian when he farted.

Is that it? Kinda? lol

lacochran said...

I hope they don't kill you for spilling the beans.

If they do, can I have your readers?

wv: moomog, the face you make when milk comes out your nose?

Mike said...

I think John started this WV stuff. So unless he saw it somewhere else, he gets the credit.

Wv - imflarre - No I'm NOT and I can prove it!

fiona said...

John stole your post!