Friday, February 20, 2009

708 - Guns

You know at the airport. (in the old days) When they made you show that your electronic device worked? Make it do something. Show me it works? Here's what they were looking for.


You hear stories about the cops that shot a guy and all he had was a knife? Here's why.


And then there's the bonus gun stuff. I'm not sure what the first rifle is. It's either a .577 Trex or .700 Nitro Express. What ever it is it's got around 200lbs of kick. Watch some guys get knocked on their butt.


And then just when you think it's safe to go outside you find out they make this.




John A Hill said...

I don't think that Altell carries that model of cell phone.

wv: subnane..below nane

Amanda said...

If a gun is so powerful (like in the Rifle video) what are you supposed to do to stop being knocked back like that? Pick a less powerful gun?

Anonymous said...

The plane was the Lord working and keeping Obama out of the news for 24 hrs.

The rifle video would not said it was no longer available.

I'm going to continue to pay my taxes so all the kids in N. St. Louis can get that shotgun.

Mike said...

J - How many do you want. I'm thinking of Opening a dealership.

A - Have somebody else shoot it.

B - Rifle video - hit the play button a second time. Youtube does that all the time.
Taxes - You pay taxes so the corporate farmers can drive new pickup trucks.

lacochran said...

Has this blog been taken over by ZipCode?

Mike said...

L - now I'm going to have to go to zipcode to see what I'm doing.

Bilbo said...

I want one of those shotguns to keep the deer herds out of my yard.

vw: billers - the people I don't like to get letters from.