So your checking out blogs for the fourth time today. You check the comments to see if something new is there. Hey wait. I know I put a comment here earlier. I've been deleted! Well maybe not.
My son-in-law has started a blog. Things that own me. So I left a comment yesterday. I just checked it. Comments - 0. WTF! Is he messing with me? He wouldn't do that. Would he? (actually he would) So I think, hit the refresh button. Boom, there's my comment, back from comment neverland. So before you leave another comment, refresh. Your comment may actually still be there.
And my son-in-law (collector) is posting the stuff he has collected in his still short life. I don't think I could live long enough to post all the crap I've collected over the years. My 10 years of stamp collecting could take up two life times to post.
6 hours ago
The comments don't disappear, but you do have to push the "reload/refresh" key to reload the page to see them after you post. The thing that grinds my gears is that Yahoo Mail is now, for some reason, putting about 90% of my comment alerts into the spam folder, forcing me to carefully pick my way through the gooey mess of spam in search of the nuggets of commentary. Must be a new feature.
vw: hyber - really excitable, but with a cold.
Even though haloscan fubars every now and then, I like it so much better than bloggers comments.
The ones that confuse me are the people who activate the "awaiting blog owner approval". Did I leave a comment? Didn't I? Even more confusing if I type in the word verification incorrectly......
LOL @ John!
I always like a we bit "refresh"ment...
Forget about dissapearing comments. I want to hear about the mannequin wearing a bra in the back seat of the car.
John...very clever uh uncomment.
John left a period because you can't post a blank space. Another comment hassle. period.
God love ya, Bandit! LOL really a lot over here in our abode. I think Mike, Bruce, Bob, Tom and Harold even gave the mannequin a name. They--especially Bob--can embellish on her talent for deadpan comedy. I've heard many times how she stopped traffic when propped up against a lamp post.
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