They brought out the band!
They had a speaker talking to a full formation of soilders.
They had guys with sticks. (It's amazing when you don't know the traditions how silly some things can look.)
The guys with the sticks paraded past the review stand and circled back to where they came from.
Shot to the left.
Shot to the right.
Stand up sit down fight fight fight.
Close up of obligitory gaurd that never moves.
And .... the long view.
i blew up pic #1 and started to be a bit critical of the posture of the band. But I'll just say that after blowing up the pic i noticed 2 of the drummers tapping their feet
Bandit piqued my interest so I blew up too, couldn't see a single
"happy foot"
Do I need my eyes checked AGAIN?
I don't think it's a foot tap. The base drum is on a stand and the drummer has his foot on the stand to hold it steady.
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