What a lame title. It's so bad it's funny. But this is nothing to sneeze at. After all it is allergy season. That would be from January 2nd to December 30th here in St. Louis. I have allergies, my son has them, everybody I know seems to have them.
Could it be because of where I live? St. Louis is 16 out of 100 on this LIST. And I don't even want to look at this ONE.
How many times have you had your back stuck with the 150 little pins? And then when that doesn't find anything you get to do the injections under the skin on your arm! And then get told you have 'non specific' allergies. I guess that's why the call it the 'practice' of medicine.
And Now, a Message from the King of Canada
1 hour ago
Glad I don't have any allergies :)
Do you have a lot of government vehicles around?
I've said too much.
The worst I get is a little hayfever during the spring time in Brisbane. Glad that I don't need to go through all those injections and pins....ouch!
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