No not for ME! For all my still working friends out there. Here's some don't do tips from the web. You know this has to be accurate. It's from the web. These used to be must have on your resume. Now they're stale. But don't lose them, they'll be back.
Results-oriented professional
Cross-functional teams
More than [x] years of progressively responsible experience
Superior (or excellent) communication skills
Strong work ethic
Met or exceeded expectations
Proven track record of success
Works well with all levels of staff
Team player
Bottom-line orientation
I think that last one is the one that trashed the economy.
So what's the latest? A link with a voice resume. So polish up those speaking skills. Or better yet, get somebody else to do the voice stuff. Find a new job quick before video resumes become all the rage. At least in person they have to wait for you to leave before they laugh at you.
And Now, a Message from the King of Canada
45 minutes ago
Oh No! A video resume would mean that only the good looking people would get jobs.
Buy stock in makeup companies NOW.
My resume says I am faster than a speeding bullet and can leap tall buildings with a single bound. Happily, that has never come up in an interview.
When my retirement savings vaporize completly, mine will say I'm faster than the speed of light. That is the light that scientists managed to bring to a complete stop.
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