As long as we're on a word theme here, let's keep it going. As a matter of fact, why don't we make up some new words?! What would that make you? A word maker? Nope, a neologist. Is that a good thing? Maybe, maybe not. Here's the dictionary definition of neologism.
1. a new word, meaning, usage, or phrase.
2. the introduction or use of new words or new senses of existing words.
3. a new doctrine, esp. a new interpretation of sacred writings.
4. Psychiatry. a new word, often consisting of a combination of other words, that is understood only by the speaker: occurring most often in the speech of schizophrenics.
Uuuuuuh, what was that number 4 definition? Let's expand on number 4 a little more by going to wikipedia.
In psychiatry, the term neologism is used to describe the use of words that only have meaning to the person who uses them, independent of their common meaning. This is considered normal in children, but a symptom of thought disorder (indicative of a psychotic mental illness, such as schizophrenia) in adults.
People with autism also may create neologisms.
Use of neologisms may also be related to aphasia acquired after brain damage resulting from a stroke or head injury.
In theology, a neologism is a relatively new doctrine (for example, rationalism). In this sense, a neologist is an innovator in the area of a doctrine or belief system, and is often considered heretical or subversive by the mainstream clergy or religious institution(s).
So think about that when you people make up new words for word verification letters. I'm sure glad "I" don't do that.
Lots more info.
And then if you haven't had enough words UNCLE JAY has a good word this week.
Stay In Your Own Lane
10 hours ago
I didn't think you fell on your head the other day. That would have possibly "aphased" you.
That's pretty shnerky.
Hey you two. Don't go all wardynic on me.
Mike, you absolutely have to stop schnarbabling. It's positively gorzauchus.
vw - flast: flat, but really quick about it.
There you go again. Getting all gudiwaumly on me.
Wv: guarn - Where's Bilbo? I don't know, he's guarn dagnabit.
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