Remember sitting in class while the professor talked on in a monotone voice? No? Well here, let me remind you. This theme is 'Why Societies Collapse'. Take notes and let me know what to watch out for. It's from TED (see link on the sidebar). (warning - 20 minute clip)(blogger warning - Amanda may be moving in with you after watching this (if she can manage to download this whole thing)) (John, if they make you watch this during your test, you're toast)
3 hours ago
I opened your blog at about 4.30pm, and, I had to leave it there until after dinner a couple of hours later before the whole thing downloaded.
Ummm...about 5 minutes into it, I had to start doing other stuff. Gave Aaron his bath, walked around a bit.....Kept the volume on the whole time though :)
A - Well not watching the guy keep taking his glasses off and on may have helped your attention span.
But did you catch the part about Indonisia being a civilisation in decline? And then he said something about Australia too.
Get ready to bail out. You can move into Bilbo's basement.
Yes I did. I heard him mention Australia and started listening a bit more then. Australia has been trying to align themselves with South East Asia for awhile now except that SEA doesn't need them all that much.
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