Just when you think the right wing nut jobs can't get any goofier, they come up with something like this. The rewrite of the Bible by the Bible project. Yep, they want to get rid of all that nasty liberal bias that's in the Bible now and put some good ol' fashioned hell and hate in there. Their number 6 goal is to 'Accept the Logic of Hell'. I think that already exists. It's called extreme right wing politics.
And just to piss off the crazies a little more, Mary Cheney had a baby. See what these God loving dorks had to say about that.
Whatever happens to you today won't be near as bad as what these nut jobs think is happening to them. They create their own personal hell on earth and love living in it.
I almost forgot to warn everyone today. It's that day again.
The Last Time You Changed
22 minutes ago
Well, Mike, thanks for helping me feel good this morning. I suppose it was only a matter of time until the hysterical right decided God was too liberal. I suppose they could just drop the New Testament and go back to the grouchier, angrier God of the OT, but that's probably too simple. In the words of Ellen Ripley in the movie "Aliens": "Did IQ's just drop sharply while I was away?"
vw: inali - a word used to describe the contents of Cassius Clay's innards.
The approach to translation used for the conservative translation reminds me of criminal cases that find a suspect and shape the case to convict him/her rather than following the evidence to the guilty person.
How about using the approach used in the past and simply translate the old texts to modern language using the best words available to convey the ideas of the original into the language of today?
wv: warcon--the stage following defcon 1.
One reporter bashes the lesbo then another bashes the reporter and the lesbo's dad when he supports his lesbo daughter.
Everybody needs to have a group hug and sing Kum Bah Ya!
Bilbo - Anything I can do to make your day more interesting.
John - Dan Browns new book 'The Lost Symbol' goes into (at the end of the book) how all religions should learn to get along.
Wv: remibibr - What the drunk said to the cop after the cop said "how many drinks did you have?" "I don't ..."
Bandit - I got so involved in word verification I forgot you.
That article is extremist haters at their best.
Finally got around to reading the Mary Cheney article. Leaving aside for a moment the fact that I'm not terribly fond of the idea of gay couples raising children (being old-fashioned enough to have the non-PC opinion that both a father and a mother are needed to provide emotional and developmental balance to a child), I think there are some very sick folks out there whose keyboards should be disinfected after they touch them.
vw: emill - where you grind the grist for your blog.
You would think Dick Chaney would be more forceful defending his daughter from these disgusting attacks. I know I would be. But, I guess since politics comes first he's just gonna sit back and let the republican base trash his daughter like that.
Bilbo & Jay - There's some really interesting people out there.
If by "interesting" you mean "crazy and dangerous"...
vw: spano - what you tell your wife when she wants to spend a gazillion dollars on a health club membership.
Stick to the funny stuff, leave the hate speech to others.
Are they going to replace the Virgin Mary with Palin's daughter?
BC - Yeah, I know, I can't do it near as well as some of these people can.
Narm - That's probably been suggested.
Wv: slyromp - What Palin's daughter did.
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