I was looking at a site that tells you what happened in the past on your birthday. I'd give you the link to it but I didn't save it. I got to far away from the original link to go back and look for it. ........ Oh yeah! Now I remember where I was going with this. Football.
I happened to check my dad's birthday of October 11th. One of the things that happened on that date back in 1916 was a Georgia Tech - Cumberland football game. Georgia Tech won ...... 222 - 0. Typo, right? Nope. Seems GT was pissed at Cumberland and decided to run up the score. Here's the whole story.
222 - 0
Going 50 Shades Of Grey...
2 hours ago
I just skimmed this, so I may be wrong, but there was nothing to indicate questionable calls by refs. Did they have refs in 1916?
I noticed the G T coach was John Heisman. Is he the one that has the Heisman Trophy named after him?
That's a lot of points.
C - Oh yeah.
B - Same guy.
J - The GT team probably was more worn out from running in the game than from a practice.
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