Here's a comment from an article about the medical bill in the Senate.
"The Nebraska Compromise, which permanently exempts Nebraska from paying Medicaid costs that Texas and all other 49 states must pay, may violate the United States Constitution--as well as other provisions of federal law," Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said Wednesday, joining at least nine other GOP counterparts in other states.
I think the Nebraska Compromise was a sellout by the Democrats and a dirty trick by the Nebraska Senator. But - it would have taken just ONE republican willing to step up and be the 60th vote to shut this A..hole down. But the tunnel vision granite head no compromise party held fast. 40 pinheads in the back room playing with themselves saying, "we showed them".
6 hours ago
Yep, 60 pinheads vs. 40 pinheads!
So you are saying it's the GOP's fault that Neb. got this deal?
1. Is there anyone that knows all that's in this bill?
2. What's the big rush on something this huge?
I think that if the Republican pinheads had pulled those heads out of their ... uh ... backsides and worked in good faith with the Democratic pinheads, they could have helped avoid the situation that made it necessary for the Democratic pinhead leadership to resort to irresponsible, immoral, and - perhaps - illegal bribery to get a bill passed. There isn't enough coal in the WORLD to fill those 100 stockings, and I hope the electorate recognizes the depths to which our so-called "elected leaders" have sunk in their emphasis on political point-scoring rather than principled leadership. They can all go to ... uh ... the place of eternal punishment.
J - Hey, I see you've been paying attention!
B - Yes
1. There's probably funding for WMD in it.
2. It's 100 years late.
Did John tell you you're buying at Ted Drews?
B - And to think this is the best political system there is!
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