My wife told me last night that she heard Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh were saying don't send money to help Haiti. Surely they can't be that stupid. WAIT! I forgot who I was talking about. So I checked it out.
If you don't want to listen to the whole clip on both videos the goofy parts are close to the beginning.
And just in case anybody forgot, let me put this chart back up one more time.
2 hours ago
Perhaps they could do some good by, say, actually GOING to Haiti and helping dig people out of the rubble. Yet another sterling example of why I have complete and utter loathing of evangelicals who have forgotten about caring and compassion, and loudmouthed windbags who have forgotten how to engage their brains before opening their mouths. A pox on all of them (he said, compassionately).
That chart is a real problem. See, it shows facts, and a lot of people don't like facts. So they'll get pissed off when they see it. ;-)
B - I think Robertson is going there. But he's going to make money, not help people.
J - Thus the old saying - Don't confuse me with the facts. I've already made up my mind.
Here's a thought...maybe they could both go to Haiti and fall into the rubble and not get out. The world would be a better place..
Gosh, it's funny what a different impression you get when you actually listen to what Rush Limbaugh says, as opposed to listening to what progressives say Rush Limbaugh says. But, you probably don't want the whole truth, like the transcript or anything like that.
But... even if you JUST listen to just the video propaganda Mike linked to, you see that Rush said nothing of the sort, "don't donate". For confirmation that he wasn't even *implying* that, see this transcript:
But, it doesn't matter what the truth is, to progressives. No logic, no truth will stand in the way of their quest for complete power. Obama will press on full speed ahead, with ridiculous things like the bank tax... gotta get those greedy biznissmen! The banks ate my homework! It's all Bush's fault! And Cheney too!
@Jay: Maybe the chart really is a problem. Maybe it's complete bullsh*t. Just maybe.
@Breck - Propaganda payback is a bitch isn't it?
And as far as the chart goes, it's a different chart. Quit being a right wing spin master. Bush, Cheney and Rove destoyed the ecomomy with their fake Iraq war.
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