The government is going to start putting money into high speed rail. News articles say the US will invest 8 billion dollars. Sounds like a lot of money doesn't it? Well that's not even one month in Iraq. So for than a months worth of Iraq time we can have high speed rail in 13 major corridors here. And all the jobs that will come with it.
If you want to read more this LINK will pull up google articles. But what I was looking for was a MAP!!! I like pictures. I found the following one on - what else - Wikipedia. This has the long term vision of all high speed.
Cleaning House
4 hours ago
Surely you're not implying that we should spend money here at home creating jobs and improving infrastruture and transportation instead of spending it on a bunch of losers in the Middle East...what are you, some kind of America-hating liberal?
If that came to pass in my lifetime Woo hoo it would actually come through Pittsburgh!
8 Billion is a drop in the high speed rail bucket, but it's a start. I can't believe anyone other than the airline and auto industries would be opposed to this. High speed rail would be great for this country.
B - Actually I like trains! Cost is no object. Spend spend spend.
M - What a buzz killer. In your life time? Let's don't go throwing reality in to this equation.
J - I going to throw in a couple of bucks to get this thing going. I'm breaking ground tomorrow.
Wv: nodic - self explanitory
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