Monday, April 19, 2010

1120 - A story that needs no words

Bandit sent this to me. If you haven't gotten the email about the picture story about the dog being saved, here it is.

A story that needs no words.



lacochran said...

Maybe she shouldn'ta thrown him in the drink to begin with. Just sayin...

Bandit said...

A happy ending....sigh.

Something to think about. Why do they call them apartments when they are all connected?

Candice said...

I would have jumped in to save a lab or a retriever, but a poodle?

Nah. Sink or swim!

Mike said...

LA - Agreed, we didn't get to see how he got in there.

B - Agreed, a happy ending.

C - From the looks of the temperature that day I think the dog may have been on it's own if it were up to me to save it.