I was happily blogging ready to put a snappy comment on Bilbo's blog and POOF! No monitor, no CPU running, no nothing. Did the power go out. WAIT A MINUTE, I've got an uniterruptible power supply. WTF! I've been interrupted! I go turn the light switch on in the room hoping the powers out. Nope, lights turn on. My uniteruptible power supply has been interrupted, permanently.
So I've got another one that's dead and one more that's still working. It's time to trouble shoot. I take the three to the workbench and figure out that the two bad ones just have bad batteries. So how much does a replacement battery cost? Anywhere from $20 to $40 depending on the internet site or local store and shipping and taxes and ....... Screw it, there's a Batteries Plus near here and the net says they charge $32.
So I try to go there. I know about where it is. Except it's not there. WTF! Am I going to have to drive back home to get the damn phone number to call them? Nope. Call daughter at work. I tell her where I am and she says, "It's right there". WAIT! I see the name on the marque. Where's the store?! Around the corner down the parking aisle in the back on the corner of another street. So now I'm there.
ME - "I need two of these".
Him - "They're $35 apiece".
Me - "The internet said $32."
Him - ........
Me - "I'll take two". (The days of making a point over 3 bucks are long gone(for most things).)
So I'm back in business and have an extra working UPS. Now I need something else to back up.
Sunday Selections #810
3 hours ago
Don't you hate it when the UPS is down?
vw: bepreci - the opposite of being nonpreci.
Sounds like my luck is rubbing off on you.
B - I hate more that I missed using a bad pun.
M - Sooooo .... It's YOUR fault! I KNEW I had nothing to do with this!
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