A friend is in a bike race. I mentioned it yesterday at the end of the post. Jeff Bonk is in the Race Across the West. It's part of the Race Across America but a shorter version. Instead of 3000 miles it's only 860 miles. And it's not a race against other bikers. It's a race against the clock. If you finish the 860 miles in 96 hours or less you win.
Jeff seems to still be in the running to finish. But one biker has finished already. He did the 860 miles in 2 days 7 (55)hours 7 minutes at an average speed of 15.56 mph. Jeff is averaging 11.31 mph. I think he can finish at this pace but it will be close. It can be a little confusing on the site figuring out where people are.
We don't want to see a DNF(did not finish) in the status area. Jeff has been between Time Station 10 and 11 for awhile now.
I may do the race next yea..... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I can't even finish typing that.
Here are some links -
Of Mice And Men... Or... Vermin Species Fuckery
3 hours ago
Well Bonk has made it to Time Station 12. But he's slowing down. His average speed has dropped to 10.53 mph. So come on Jeff. We need to see an 'OFCL' in that status column.
Bonk is at TS14. It looks like he has plenty of time to finish.
Jeff finished with 10 hours to spare.
Congrats to him.
I can't feel my crotch after a 1 hour spin class. I can't imagine what his junk felt like when he crossed the finish line. Hell he probably still can't feel them either!
C - Amen to that. Numbness PLUS chaffing. And that's only the 860 mile race. Imagine the 3000 mike race.
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