Washington (CNN) -- Missouri's tight restrictions on protests and picketing outside military funerals were tossed out by a federal judge Monday, over free speech concerns.
A small Kansas church had brought suit over its claimed right to loudly march outside the burials and memorial services of those killed in overseas conflicts. The state legislature had passed a law to keep
Church members, led by pastor Fred Phelps, believe God is punishing the United States for "the sin of homosexuality" through events including soldiers' deaths.
The Supreme Court last year had granted a temporary injunction blocking enforcement of the law until it could be challenged. The justices will hear a similar challenge this fall involving the same church.
Judge Fernando Gaitan in a 19-page order, dismissed the state legislation.
I thought we were done with these idiots. Since St. Louis is so close they had been coming to Jefferson Barracks Cemetery quite often to protest. The anti protesters grew in number until St. Louis County passed a law that said the assholes had to stay 100 feet away to prevent what was going to turn into obvious interaction. Soon the state passed a law banning protests which has now been over turned.
I had never been one of the anti protesters but had thought about it many times. If these nut jobs start showing up here again I think I'll be out there with many friends. Hopefully the County 100 foot rule still applies.
If you can think of some good counter signs to these ASSHOLES let me know.
You would think that the hate garbage that comes spewing out of this group would not meet with the freedom of speech conditions.
I've been at a Marine's funeral that was escorted by the Freedom Rider's motorcycle group. I have a feeling that if the hate group from Kansas would have shown up things would have been ugly. They didn't look like they were going to take any crap and they didn't appear to be strangers to a little jail time, either!
ARGH!! Can we send them off to fight somewhere? You know..somewhere really dangerous? Then if they survive they can come back and do what they want...assuming they survive?
yeah..Im feeling malicious today.
J - I think the freedom riders are going to be doing double duty here pretty soon.
MD - You can come and antiprotest with us.
Thank God for the Freedom riders! If you ever decide to go anitprotest let me know. I will go with you!!
WS - I wonder if there is a site that monitors the Westboro's. I'll have to check that out.
As much as I disagree with the position and actions of the Westboro Baptist Church, I appreciate my freedom of speech too much to attempt to take theirs away.
D - I'm not with you on this one. This is to close to yelling 'fire' in a theatre. Where's the line between 'fire' and 'I don't like you'? A question to be answered by the Supremes.
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