Monday, November 15, 2010

1337 - Balance the Budget

My daughter found this. It's a 'balance the federal budget' game on the New York Times website. It's interactive. You can change and rechange things to your own delight. It's JUST like the government.

It asks you to try and balance the budget by 2015 and 2030. I came up with a 200 billion surplus for 2015 and was only 150 billion short for 2030. See how you do.

Yes YOU!!!!!!!!




Schmoop said...

I'll have to play later. I have a boil I need to lance. Cheers Mike!!

Bandit said...

I will play later also.

@Matt-Man, You need to see Mike's boil lancing video. I know Mike thought of the same thing when he read your comment.

Jay said...

I saved $555 billion for 2015 and $1,628 billion and did it with 54% spending cuts and 46% taxes. Mostly from just going back to Clinton-era taxes.

See, it's all so simple and easy and painless!

Knight said...

Wow this is actually fun and upsetting at the same time.

Bilbo said...

I'll play this later, but a quick look at the way the calculator is set up begs a few questions. Just for one, "Cut aid to the states by 5%" isn't necessarily a bad idea, but would probably end up being offset by unfunded mandates applied by the federal government as it sheds costly responsibilities down to the state level. The model is interesting, but a bit simplistic (much like Congress as a whole).

vw: resesses - breaks in the school day taken by students who would be better off studying their spelling.

Mike said...

MM - Are you going to video the lancing? Or do it live on BTR?!

B - I forgot about that. I don't even remember how long ago that was.

J - It was easy wasn't it? So what's Washington's problem?

K - Upsetting in that it was too easy?

B - "Congress as a whole"
Did you mean 'Congress as a hole?'

Candice said...

Mmm, I'd rather masturbate, or lance Matt's boil than balance the budget.

Mike said...

C - Being a nurse you could probably do both at the same time.