This is a post about dogs. And a blogger. A blogger that blogs about dogs. If you can call her a blogger. Is somebody that posts one blog a month a blogger? Well if she puts a month of work into one blog maybe so. And then let that one post sit around and suck up 600+ comments. Of course they're the "wow great post" type of comments. But still. So if you want to see how much work you could be putting into your own blog, go HERE.
Yup. You're definitely going to the dogs.
vw: glittle - the opposite of glot.
WTF is about all I can say.
Let us be fair. The cartoons are very cute, No?
think i'm missing something. Raquel is right - the cartoons are cute but what the hell?
When I clicked over, I threw a fire hydrant at my monitor. Not really...I would never do that...hydrants are very heavy. Cheers Mike!!
B - I think the dogs are coming to me. Good thing I like 'em.
MD - You're going to come up with something more impressive that that, right?!
RW - Yes indeed. And she can obviously crank them out at warp speed.
M - I kept waiting for the end of the post and it never seemed to come.
MM - Good thing you missed. If all those dog pictures had seen that hydrant you could have drown.
What happened? I think I lost a few minutes of life just now. How did that post get 1008 comments?
I just checked and it was up to 1099. This is why we're not getting more comments. This gal is stealing them all.
Tihgs are slowing down a bit for the doggy blogger. She's up to 1639.
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