Don't take your pocket knife to the court house!
Don't take your pocket knife to the court house!
Don't take your pocket knife to the court house!
Don't take your pocket knife to the court house!
If I type this enough I might remember. Maybe. I have jury duty today and tomorrow (maybe). The last time I had jury duty I wound up on a jury. The decision we came to on the case was partially influenced by the woman who wanted to get it over with so she could get home and let her dog out. Ahhhh justice. Isn't it grand?
Don't take your pocket knife to the court house!
Don't take your pocket knife to the court house!
Don't take your pocket knife to the court house!
Don't take your pocket knife to the court house!
Musical Sunday
1 hour ago
Good day fer a hangin', ain't it?
Be kind, be gentle, be just. Cheers Mike!!
I had to serve back in October and did not have to go back on Tues. Thank the Lord for that. As Frank would say,"I spent a week there that day."
Hey Mike ....Don't take your pocket knife into the courthouse.
That might be a good way to get out of jury duty though.
B - Yes it was. But I think we hung the right person today.
MM - Today was a best guess at justice.
B - One day and out for me too.
RW - I remembered. I really did!
K - Naa, they'd just take my knife and piss me off.
Wv: Bunize - When flying by the seat of your pants, this is how you see where your going.
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