Saturday, February 26, 2011

1441 - Teeth

The tooth fairy has some new rules for you. This is no internet rumor. This is straight out of a magazine. Not just any magazine. The AARP magazine. And everyone knows old people know everything.

So be prepared to learn new stuff about teeth.

***** click to big *****

Let's reflect on the part about waiting 30 minutes to brush. What to do? You know about the 3 minute egg timer. Well I've invented the 30 minute tooth timer. That's right. A specially designed sand specifically calibrated for tooth timing. Only 19.99 - S&H extra. Cash only, no returns, satisfaction, etc. I'm only doing this out of public tooth service.

UPDATE - I just remembered that it's been know for a long time that flossing your teeth is the number one thing you can do to extend your life. More so than quitting smoking.



Bandit said...

If I act within the next 30 minutes, will you double my order?

Mike said...

B - Yes, and a special surprise bonus!!! But wait there's more!!!

Raquel's World said...

Well thank god. I floss daily but have no desire to quit smoking. You have just given me yet another comeback when people push me to quit. I will now respond with flossing questions for them. So all you people that plan on giving me the smoking talk, you damn well better have been flossing regularly.

Mike said...

RW - No no no. You need to do both!