Saturday, March 05, 2011

1448 - School on Saturday

Here's a fun thing to do on Saturday. Check your knowledge of countries the Middle East. It's a fill in the name on the map puzzle. I would show you a picture of the map but it's a PDF so I can't upload it.

When working the puzzle I got buzzed about 10 to 15 times. The trick is process of elemination. Fill in the ones you know for sure first. Then start guessing.



Jay said...

That was kind of difficult. The Stans always mess me up.

Bandit said...

I started with Egypt and then Saudi Arabia thinking I knew where they were. It took me 2 or 3 times each to get them.

mike said...

J - I saved them to the very last.

B - So you're not a mapaholic?

Claudia said...

I had about six red x's to start with. Got them all within about 10 minutes. I totally guessed at Western Sahara, Mali, and Mauritania.

mike said...

C - I thought I saw some thinking smoke rolling out of your computer room.

Bilbo said...

I messed up the Stans and the last couple in Western Africa (Mali, Western Sahara, Niger). On the whole, not too bad...who can keep all those Stans sorted out, anyhow?

vw: unridar - not ridar.

Mike said...

B - I'll bet you knew Afganistan. It's right next to Turkey, right?