Friday, April 29, 2011

1503 - CR6

Laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group have detected hexavalent chromium, the carcinogenic “Erin Brockovich chemical,” in tap water from 31 of 35 American cities.

That's from an article on the Environmental Working Groups website. It seems that water companies in most states don't even have to report chromium-6 in their yearly water quality reports. What's the over all picture look like in the US? Here's a map. Click it to big it.

I checked my water companies website and there is no mention of chromium-6 anywhere. The link above has a link to a petition site to try and get the water companies to at least report it. You should at least know if you're drinking chromium-6. Hey, maybe it adds a unique taste to the water.

Here's some additional reading. A CNN article when all this was news. It's not news anymore because the problem's been fixed nobody cares.



Bilbo said...

I almost swore off H2O when I read the label on the box of the replacement water filter for my refrigerator and saw all the hideous things it guaranteed to remove from my chilled water and ice. I think I'll just stick with gin.

Mike said...

B - Water is just plain nasty stuff.

Knight said...

I tried Bilbo's plan and did the all Vodka cleanse. That didn't last long. I think the trick is a good balance heavy on the distilled liquor that can clean out the water toxins.

Mike said...

K - Distilling fixes everything.