Sunday, May 08, 2011

1512 - It's a process

How to come up with post material. Well it's a process. Like today. I'm watching TV and someone mentioned bacon. And I went.. BAACCOOOONNNN. But then I thought, bacon, what does wikipedia have to say about bacon? The word is derived from the Old High German bacho, meaning "buttock" which makes bacon even more awesome. You don't have to follow these links. I'm just putting them in here so you can follow along if you really want to.

So in reading about bacon I notice a link on Trichinella. So let's go find out about the disease. That leads to the link on the disease itself Trichinosis.

Then while reading about Trichinosis I notice a link to Splinter_hemorrhage which is something about those lines in your finger nails (sort of). This was not a very long article but it has a link to a 'List of cutaneous conditions'. I'm thinking more pictures a strange finger nails but this list includes everything about the cutaneous world.

So I'm looking over the list and what do I spy? A condition I've never heard of before. Black hairy tongue! AND they have a picture!

See, you learned something today. Now go read up some more on black hairy tounge. It could save your life one day. Not really.



OK, so you want some more stuff to look at? Here's something a little different, especially if you're tired of people in general. There is a town that has a population of 1. It's in Nebraska. Here's a news article and the wikipedia LINK.

And then if you still want to search for a different place, here's a world list of places with fewer than 10 people. It's not that hard to be by yourself.



Amanda said...

I did not need to know about black hairy tongue.....

Bandit said...

That is a cool dog video.

Dianne said...

I wonder if you can dye the black hair
do blonde tongues have more fun?

Mike said...

A - Are you sure? Knowledge is power.

B - Yes it is. And it showed up on my puter at exactly the perfect time.

D - You could go into business. Tounge dye. Conditioners... the possiblities are endless.

Anonymous said...

Florida Missouri has a population of 0, plenty of space if you want to live where Mark Twain was born.

Mike said...

There's a big ass park and museum there. And with the town being .1 sq miles, I think the space may be occupied.