Saturday, May 21, 2011

1525 - Nature's antidepressant?

I won't keep you here to long. You need to read this one line from the article and then go read the whole thing.

Could the stuff in semen actually be nature's own antidepressant?




Amanda said...

Semen withdrawal!LOL! Interesting study....I wonder what made them think up the original hypothesis.

Mike said...

A - Heeeeeyyyyy!!!!!! Don't laugh!
It isn't often that the guys come out on the up side of a survey.

Claudia said...

I want a slinky dress in material printed with that design..a real jaw-dropper and conversation starter. Something to wear to the annual church picnic.

Mike said...

C - I'm looking for it now.

Bilbo said...

I was going to make a comment about this story being hard to swallow, but I have too much class for that.

lacochran's evil twin said...

Nice try.

Mike said...

B - Nice punch line. And no you don't.

LET - Always trying, always.