Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1529 - Be safe from 250 mph winds

Here's a link to building a safe room in your house capable of withstanding 250 mph winds.


This is the link on the link that gets you to the main info.

FEMA PAMPHLET (8 meg adobe file)

This is the link to the drawings and plans.

FEMA PLANS (13 meg adobe file)



Amanda said...

OMG! I am only watching / listening to the video you posted yesterday and that was scary! No wonder there is all this information on building a safe room.

Bilbo said...

Good PSA, Mike. Gold star for You today.

Jay said...

I'm watching the clouds roll in right now. It's really warm and humid so conditions should be ripe for another wild night.

Mike said...

A - It's been exciting around here this spring.

B - I'm a general? Cool.

J - We're supposed to get hammered again starting around 4PM.

Mike said...

And as soon as I posted the last comment I hear thunder. It's here already. I looked at the weather radar and there are 13 tornado warning boxes up for the area.