This is about software for PC's. You know, real computers.
I found an article in PCWorld about a donationware site. Donationware is somewhere between freeware and shareware. This site doesn't have tons of software but it does have some interesting programs.
The name of the site is And the program that I downloaded to try out is called 'Process Tamer'. It monitors the processes running while you work and if one starts taking up to many resources, it throttles it back. Yes the program is customizable although I haven't done that.
Process Tamer seems to have speeded up my downloading somewhat. Noticable anyway. Yes you do have to sign up to get access but you don't have to pay anything up front if you don't want to. So if you're interested, go to the link and give it a click.
No Driving...Yet.
32 minutes ago
They're not charging you for the malware that's loading in the background? Mighty decent of them.
I love when you say - ya know, real computers
made me laugh
LEW - Oh oh, I think I just heard from a applite. Actually I trust PCWorld to check things like this out. :)
D - I like computers too much to be restricted by a dead nazis' idea of what I should use. :)
Arguing about PC/Mac is more fun than Dem/Repub. And this doesn't even bring Unix, Linux, etc. into the fray.
Don't ~ changed to done.
I done care how many times I spell check something always slips through.
"Real computers"? Why do I have the feeling that barb was directed at me?
B - No no. It wasn't directed at you. Although I was THINKING of you when I wrote it.
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