Well I found out today one of the hazards of online banking. It's that age old computer problem, hitting the wrong button.
I had gotten a second billing notice from my trash company. I thought what is wrong with those people, I paid the bill last month. I went to quicken. Yep, there it is. Paid.
Then I went online to my credit union site to follow up. Hey, where's my trash company? There's my OLD trash company. Where's my new one? Oops, I forgot to update the online banking info. I sent the payment to the old trash company.
So I call the old trash company and talk to someone about getting my money back. They have to send the request to 'corporate'. I wanted to mention that they sure cashed the check of a non customer rather quickly but thought better of it.
Then the call to my new trash company with the 'you'll never believe what I did' story. They bought it and my trash is going to get picked up tomorrow.
Now the online info is updated and I'll just wait for the next surprise. I'm sure there will be one coming.
Denmark's coat of arms includes an elephant
17 minutes ago
You're not alone in paying to the wrong place. I had a friend who paid her neighbors insurance bill because she opened a letter that was incorrectly put into her mailbox, saw that payment was overdue and just went ahead and paid.
It's all about FOCUS Mike! Gotta pay attention. ;-)
And we almost had our water turned off since we forgot to update credit cards.
A - I'll be looking at my mail a LOT closer now.
J - What?
L - Love the electronic age don't you?
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